Praying with grandchildren

Posted by: Di

Praying with grandchildren - 05/31/09 03:47 AM

If you desire to tuck those little ones into bed and want to pray with them (and/or teach them how), do you ask their parents for permission or do you go ahead and pray anyway?
Posted by: Lola

Re: Praying with grandchildren - 05/31/09 06:24 AM

Permission to pray with my grandchildren is not necessary in my family. My daughter and SIL are practising Catholics as well and are raising their children in the same manner.

I think all in all, it depends on how the practice of faith is acknowledged.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Praying with grandchildren - 05/31/09 02:06 PM

I agree with Lola. Do the parents pray with them?

I have to share a funny story about prayer. Our son is home from NYC. He brought two of his film buddies. A few of his good friends (whom we call the rat pack) from growing up came by for a cookout so they were all together last night. We fed them before they ventured out to a big party, which is why he came home.

Anyway, we always ask a blessing before dinner. Ross siad, "Why don't we ask a blessing before we dig in." Ross had grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage and ribs. I'd made spinach salad, fresh fruit salad and corn on the cob. It was all on the counter before us and they were psyched to have some home made food.

Ross asked God's blessing on all of us and the food, and thanked God for bringing the Rat Pack and the NY Film Rippers together for the meal. They all laughed hysterically. It was a lovely and fun blessing.

Making the prayer appropriate to the kids is important.

Di, I hope you have the opportunity to pray with them. Even if the parents don't, often you hear about a grandmother planting seeds of faith that children fall back on later in life.
Posted by: Di

Re: Praying with grandchildren - 05/31/09 02:22 PM

Yes, prayer does teach others that we can, directly communicate with God, on a very personal and humorous level at that, and not go thru a priest or other person.

I might ask my SD if she minds if I pray with them next time we see them. The little 3 yr old is like a sponge and she LOVEs her Nunna!! wink
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Praying with grandchildren - 06/02/09 02:47 PM

I wouldn't make a huge deal of it. Just ask and leave it at that. Hopefully she'll say yes. Keep us posted.