end of days

Posted by: celtic_flame

end of days - 01/12/09 08:44 PM

anyone got knowlage or aoppinions theyd like to share about what is suposed to happen in 2012?

i thought it an energetic shift onlie but people been saying their preparing and thinking of buying guns (not legal heer) and relocating? so apparntlie its energetic with big physical changies also.

anyone got any knowlage as i find myself lacking and not too sure where to get good refinses anymore, as in reliable ones.

spiritualietie or from within a religion is fine with me and its about some info for me not about disagreeing with you. I am also reallie worried about it all and feel a bit sillie
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: end of days - 01/13/09 03:36 PM

Dolores Cannon explained it best on a radio show I heard her on. She said it is suppose to be a dimensional shift, and it is suppose to change for the better. I can see where this would coincide with all the other teachings out there.

Another theory has been this, the Mayan's ran out of walls to write on. Sorry this is not a poor attempt at humor, but there are people out there who believe this.

Anyway, here is more information on this lovely woman Dolores Cannon I really like her and I think you will too Celtic.

This is a good discussion and I am looking forward to more input here.

Love and Hugs,
Posted by: DJ

Re: end of days - 01/13/09 03:43 PM

Well, actually, if you think about it, the world already ended -- if you look at the shift from the agrarian society that humans were in from the beginning of time until the 19th century, and compare that to the 20th, everything familiar changed -- monarchies were replaced by democracies, empires fell, industrialism rose, women realized increased equality. In many ways, humanity has become united like we never were before -- we know about the most remote tribes and are able to communicate with them. I think we're in a period of birthing which is why it's all so painful. The average 10 year old today may have more awareness of the world than the average adult in the 19th century.

We're shedding old ways of being for new ones.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 01/13/09 04:49 PM

thats what i though w&life and it ment to be possitive and spiritual now i bieing told nope physical and perhapps for the worst.

thats what cosed the shock for me.

thanks for the link i will look her up

if it weer as simple as runing out of wall writting space id be most delighted. Actulie i find way too much humer in that as much as you saying thers no joking id die laughing lol. smile
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 01/13/09 04:54 PM

i like the version your talking about DJ and also look at manie of your events you sited as birthing too.

Is that the end or start of it, and growing pains?

its the focus on 2012, and all its ment to be. I am now taLKING WITH COUPLE OF WOMEN AND THIR SAYING IRELAND IS GONNA SINK (SORRY CAPS ) Ther talking about buying guns etc and time and tim again i asked for refrinses and there found tehir knowlage some group in cork. the other end of countrie for me and i can't get cheeking them out before hand if i would visite.

so i know somethings happening, not sure why 2012 i had though 2016 or 2018 but not sure were i got thos dates from.

so dj do you think nuthing drastic gonna happen apart from more birthing?

thanks for taking part and i hope it develops furtheir wisdom
Posted by: DJ

Re: end of days - 01/13/09 08:28 PM

This happens so many time, that people prophesy the end of the world. Even there were groups in the 19th century that did things like sell all their possessions and move to Mt Carmel (the Carmelites). And let's not forget Y2K! when everything was supposed to crash.

I may have some insights now and then, but I'm not psychic, so don't listen to my predictions! However, I think that if there have been prophesies about "end times" I wouldn't take them literally.

Drastic? If you think about all the s**t that has been going on in the world for decades now, I wonder how dire it's got to get? I think that some things will continue to worsen until people wise up. We were discussing racism on another thread, for example -- there are so many enlightened views about differences that, in an _international_ discussion that couldn't have existed several decades ago. So, yeah, I think it's birthing pangs. Or it's like the little chick pecking away at the shell and breaking the shell because it can no longer contain the growing life within.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: end of days - 01/13/09 08:35 PM

To me, the end happens every day when we forget to respect and love one another. It like chipping away at nail polish...chip...chip...chip, till there's nothing left.

I don't believe in the predictions, but that's just my opinion.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: end of days - 01/14/09 01:02 AM

back in 1973 or so, people were predicting similar ends, that civilization would collapse and we'd all be fighting for food. Violent people would roam the streets everywhere.

I stockpiled canned foods and bought a big hunting knife, which seemed easier to use than a gun.

I can't even remember why we thought the world would end back then, but I'm over that and not gonna worry about it again.
Posted by: jabber

Re: end of days - 01/14/09 01:40 PM

I know someone age 89 who used to say as a child, she'd look
out the window and wonder if Jesus was coming back that day.
The 2nd coming, has been coming since Biblical times. This world
will end for me when I die. But I'm looking forward to Eternity!
All these predictions, come from humans just like you and me.
So why worry your head about it????
Posted by: jabber

Re: end of days - 01/15/09 08:49 AM

I know people who stockpiled canned goods at the millennium bug
Y2K thing, which never happened. When the world ends we're not
going to give a rip anyways, 'cause we'll probably be caught in the figurative fan blades. Live, love and laugh today! For tomorrow we may be elsewhere, in another dimension of awesomeness! LOL...!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: end of days - 01/15/09 09:03 AM

This reminds me of a book I read in high school. It was called "Waiting for Godot" and it had a profound, life-long impact on me. Essentially the entire book is about two people who spend two days waiting for this character Godot to arrive, but he never does. (For more info, just Google Waiting for Godot, or see this link for a quick overview http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waiting_for_Godot).

At the time that I read the story, it was long, arduous and extremely frustrating...but it didn't come even remotely close to what would become my own life experience of forever waiting for my own Godot, "Godot" being representative of whatever it was I was waiting for at the time. When you put all of those waiting periods together, they add up to an astounding waste of time. Hindsight can perhaps say it wasn't totally wasted because it taught me something, but I spent far too much time waiting for my life to happen and not nearly enough time living it.

It's still hard to break free of that waiting stance. Especially when having to deal with circumstances that are in large part beyond my control to fix or change. But now I try to distance myself from the wasteful futile way of waiting, and try to turn any waiting into fertile ground, using the time to grow, evolve, learn, and discover new creative ways to think myself into more joyful moments.

I like being here and now. I like and choose to stay in the moment and if this moment requires any sort of waiting for anything or anyone, I read, pray, exercise, play on my Wii, come here to BWS to chat...whatever it takes to take the worry and stress out of waiting and turn it into LIFE and LIVING.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: end of days - 01/15/09 02:07 PM

Eagle and jabber, I couldn't agree more. Carry on and live life to the fullest. I recall the Y2K thing. We were so busy with our kids, just living life, we didn't have time to listen to all that.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 01/15/09 06:48 PM

i missd out on the 2ky thing i though it was only ment o mess up our computers lol good job i din't get it then, mind you then i was still waiting on 2012 lol.

this crakes me up becous eits the seconf post iv imagined you giggling and grinning over, which has me ginning...... elsewhere, in another dimension of awesomeness! LOL, book my seat plse, iv my multidiminsional case packed lol.

good point and attitudes to life, i did want to know becouse i wanted a 50 ince plasma tv and din't want to have to pay back the hire purchise on it ....i din't... but... now i think about it lol.

seriouslie now, thanks and it is a good way to live life instead of wonderring what all the fuss is about or what everyone else know that i don't. when they might not know anything anyway

thanks for taking the time ladies smile
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: end of days - 02/16/09 12:32 PM

What will happen in 2012?

I'll be older...but still cute. And.........probably still fluffy.

Other than that, I'm staying in the NOW.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: end of days - 02/16/09 07:19 PM

Nostradamus says the world will end as we know it in 2012. It seems all cultures calendars stop on that same year. Weird? You betcha!!! So fare to date every prediction he has made has come true, every singloe one. People are getting nervous. I say if its going to end in 2012, it is, and nothing we do will change that, so enjoy the heck out of what time we have left.
Someone pass the chocolate cake will you?
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: end of days - 02/16/09 09:16 PM

I hadn't really paid much attention to this, but I've just spent a little time researching it, and it appears to all be in the way people choose to translate the quatrains. Here's a link I found interesting:

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/16/09 10:35 PM

with prophisises and translasions its hard to prove one way or another. I also know a lot of phrophises are or can be symbolic so interpritasion can be misleading from the one prophisising. One wee example i am gonna describe.

as for twin towers and what happend that week a lot of people weer nervious and felt the feeling of doom, ....within a certine church i was attending many had inicale picked it up and perhapps some weer influensed by others but thir was a very strange feel that week.

Imidiatlie after the disaster many could't work (in any psychic or spiritual way) as it was like standing in middle of a psykic hailstorm. The concisousness of people around the world, via media was shocked and changed. Energeticalie it was painfull.

I phoned a few frends in incresing panic and if po remembers i described it for the 2 weeks then more paniced the last week "as an opera that hade't reached its climax" then settled to waite to see what was happening...their was nuthing operatic in its nature it was just me trying to describe the feeling of incressed tension. That lead me back to the church to find out what was happning, with some feeling the same way, phrasing it diffrentlie but the same way. The tension broke into chose when the media flashed the news around the globe.

I am not sure any one pricicly pinponted the twin towers, so all the phrophisising was wrong.....and it was apart from the feeling of doom and "something" was gonna happen. Thats the only bit that stands up. I haden't in all of about 10 yrs heared anything like it happening at the church. So i hope thats an example of how hard it can be to prisilie say xyz is gonna happen.

so i do not know about nostradamise, just can't say and his wrtting is typicalie vage and open to interpritasion as is the basic problem with prophises.
unless its timed, dated and described so much else can be read into it and often only understood (if at all) with hindsight. Makes it a bit useless eh!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/16/09 10:48 PM

Originally Posted By: chatty lady
Nostradamus says the world will end as we know it in 2012. It seems all cultures calendars stop on that same year.

I am asking chattie who the other cultures so i can go looking at evidense myself.

can you name those cultures? As iv hearted it said so many time as well yet can't find them myself. Some people say its a falt in time recording systems others say its quite intencanal...others say its becouse time as we know it will change, so its the birth of a new time a new age. thats what i am hopefull about.

i have been told irelands gonna sink. All i feel is fear about it which distortes everything, iv lost abilitie to be subjective and all i will feel is a distorsion around it when i think or meditate about it. I have a big lack of ability to formulate long term planes, it mounth by mounth if i am luckie. Its never before been this way inmy life so the newness pussles and confuses me. I also know all we can count on is a moment by moment existense so perhapps i evolving in a way thats ment to be but it spooking hell outa me.

I always thought it ws a spiritual shift that was commin and all one needed to have was a turning to spiritual ways to solve current and future and then delemeas was a spiritual attitude and be---ing in the world. I reallie hope that that is all thats needed and all this physical ment to be troubling stuff is just us looking for conceret solusions to stuff we feel but what should be solved in a spiritual way.

so living for todays great and how it should be but i'd still like some long term hint lol.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/16/09 11:00 PM

WISDOM AND LIFE.... if you read Dolores Cannon, what do you think of her and what your take on it...

i did look her up and your right i would like her but thers much information and many of her archives to go throug.

thanks for the link anyway...but have you read stuff she says on this and what she saying nostradamsus is saying?
Posted by: jabber

Re: end of days - 02/17/09 10:18 AM

When it ends. It ends. I like the idea that Jawjaw will still be cute and fluffy, though.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: end of days - 02/17/09 03:44 PM

Celtic, The only other two calendars I could research were the Myian and Egyptian calendars, both of which end in that year.

Jabber is correct, when it ends it ends and there isn't a darn thing any of us can do about it.

JJ still being cute and fluffy has given me an idea. I am going out in July of 2012 and buying up all the decadent chocolate cake and ice cream I haven't been able to eat for years and PIG OUT BIG TIME!!! ME, I'm dying happy...
Posted by: jabber

Re: end of days - 02/18/09 09:52 AM

Hey, that's a great idea! Yummmmmy!!! Decadent cake. There's nothing better! Me too. I'm dying happy, too!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/18/09 11:52 AM

hmmmmmmmmmm i am starting on the cake now, why waite untill then lol. i am alreadie piggin creamed eggs, great easter treat!
Posted by: jabber

Re: end of days - 02/19/09 10:26 AM

I was about to ask you if creamed eggs were anything like deviled eggs. But on second thought, I'll bet you're talking about chocolate eggs with colored-sugar creams inside? I love those things. I'm addicted to those candies.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/19/09 07:15 PM

yes yes yes those the little blighters lol.

small and milk chocolate with a sweet white and yellow fondent centre....thats the ones i love

i think deviled anythings is vinegred stuff and i can't do that lol kills my tummy ...and as you see the opposite to my sweet tooth.

now i wonderring if i have any creamed eggs in my cupboards lol.
Posted by: jabber

Re: end of days - 02/20/09 09:19 AM

Love those creamed, Easter eggs. And I love those sugared, marshmallow chicks. Ummmm...!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: end of days - 02/20/09 07:56 PM

Celtic, deviled eggs needn't be made with vinegar and in fact are better when no vinegar is used.


one dozen eggs
one small onion, finely chopped
one stalk celery, chopped small
two tablespoons mayo or miracle whip
one tablespoon yellow mustard
one or two tablespoon sweet relish
paprika, optional


Boil eggs slowly until done, about 15 minutes.
Allow eggs to cool in cold water, then carefully shell the eggs and cut them in half longways scooping out the yolks into a bowl.
Mash the eggs, add the onion, celery, mayo, mustard and relish (if using) salt & pepper to taste.
Now mix all ingredients well...
Scoop tablespoon of mixture back into the half egg whites.
Sprinkle lightly with paprika for color.

I like mine really cold, so keep them in the frig for about an hour but thats not necessary...

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/21/09 06:56 AM

thanks chattie , i got it wrong totalie thought deviled eggs ment pickled to presercve them, thinking of it now they just wold't be nice like pickled onions.

sounds like a good recipy
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/21/09 06:57 AM

oh and paprica is one of our favourite spises or sesoning in this house, i have cought L dipping his finger in the packet and eatting it!!! too much garlic bread as an infant i think lol.

at 6 mounths he had garlic breath and stull loves it today lol.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: end of days - 02/21/09 06:20 PM

Celtic, Are you sure theres not some Italian in your little guy? MY son always said I put garlic in everything except cereal...Besides garlic is good for us all in so many ways.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 02/23/09 07:41 AM

yes thir is italion in him chattie via me lol.

i smelt of garlic as a kid and it wase't populare to eat the stuff heer then diffrent now but still some adults weer shocked with his garlic breath and being so young lol.
Posted by: Wisdom&Life

Re: end of days - 03/06/09 10:15 PM

I have always been interested in the end of days, I just wanted to know more about this when I first heard of this as a little girl. I felt there was more to it then anyone would tell me. Plus, I had heard about this anti-Christ and how people will be deceived. I certainly didn't want to be deceived, so I definitely wanted to learn all I can.

I've gone back and forth with this. As I mentioned earlier, I believe in the world of physics, it will be a dimensional shift. In the spiritual sense, a New Age. I remember as a child in the Greek Orthodox litergy, we would hear the priest say, "unto the ages of ages". Which means there was a time before, a time now, and time to come. I believe this parallels with the dimensional shift, the New Age movement, and what the old manuscripts in the Greek & Hebrew say in the beginning of Christianity and even before Christianity. There are so many prophesy from the Hebrew Bible that haven't even come to pass yet. But I believe this all parallels. I know the Muslim's have a similar belief as far as this is concerned and I am looking into this.

Does anyone have any kind of insight as far as other cultures have of this belief.

I would like to understand the date 2012. If one does the numerology on 12/21/2012, the total would be 2.



The number 2 in Biblical numberics means to witness.

Numerology touches more on the life path and attitudes. But you may find it interesting anyway what is said in regards to the number 2.

Here is a tid bit from Glynis McCants known as the Numbers Lady -

TWOS want peace. They make good mediators.They are very loyal, and when they say that they love you,count on it!They welcome companionship and the chance to share their lives with someone special.The flip side is that if they feel threatened or pushed to the wall, they become the terrible 2s. But ultimately, they do not want conflict.

The 2 Attitude is easy going. They are very good observers. They're also drawn to anything regarding psychic ability, and often may experience déjà vu. It is not uncommon for them to have a dream that comes true. They are in touch with their intuition and the metaphysical side of life. They do have compassion for people and are fascinated with people's stories. They are seldom bored.

In all honestly, this is not something that scares me. It's sad this teaching has and is being used as a scare tactic.

I hope to be able to look into this some more and I hope to get other insights into what others have come to believe about this event.

Love and Cheers,
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: end of days - 03/07/09 05:31 PM

The bible does say the world will end in a fiery ball, after plagues and famine etc. sounds like nuclear warfare to me.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/08/09 07:21 AM

hay wisdom thanks for input.

whats your thought on dimensional spiritual shift and how its gonna pan out after 2012.

spirituel evolusion was always my inicial belife, kinda times will be so rough that we will have to change or evolve to metalie emotionalie cope with situasions after 2012 as we might not cope withouta big spiritual changies and views.

Think if you will how many people are currentlie suffering becouse they can't understand the attitude shift thats needed to cope with whatever their current situasion is.

change of attitude would make their life much easier but thir not able to do it.

thats what i though will become more presured so we have to get spiritual to cope after 2012?

whats your thoughts everyone?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/08/09 07:28 AM

ann and chattie do you belive it will end as in destruction?

or is it the answeres you think might fit with 2012 and the lack of info after that time?

as you know i just said again it about bein spiritual but was informed after the last lot of mounths that ireland would sink, teir would be physical destruction, so thats why i started this chatt.

enjoying life nows whas called for but if physical mesures needed them i would't wanna be unorepared, if spiritual attitudunak messures needed i would'twanna be unpreperead for that either
both are important don't you think?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/10/09 08:54 AM

lol no taxes no tv repayments i was thinking 50 inch plama smile

good points and we have created havoc in the world especialie last 100 yrs or so and the worlds reactions are slow to change and maybee is alreadie too slow to be effective now if critical time to change has passed.

maybee all this will juist be in the manner of therie and descusion untill 2012 we have to waitew and see.

what action are you gonna take to prtect ourself from your therie or do you think theirs no escapping what is comming?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/10/09 08:55 AM

wisdome and life

are you doing aything in preperasion for 2012?
Posted by: dancer9

Re: end of days - 03/10/09 12:42 PM

DJ, I like your point and agree with you. The world HAS ended as they knew it back when. It's changing again and if people can't get with the program they might see it as ending.

I went through the scare as a little kid that Meredith talked about, 1973 was supposed to be the be all end all. It was silly really, but things did change and some have not changed since THAT change in the world. Some people just can't move on from their opinions.

We are in flux and we are experiencing a huge change. We must ride along with it and take it in to survive and be happy and find NEW chocolate recipes to pig out on. Um...I don't like chocolate or sugar for that matter but I'll find something.

Personally, I love the big changes underway. The same as when we had to do away with Kings and Queens, we have to do away with some rulership.


Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/12/09 08:59 AM

i am bearing in mind your point about civilisasions being wiped out and we descovering the ruins now...asides from that and you'd be visiting ireland with some scuba gear lol

do you reallie think it something like calender maker diead and no one could take thir place? or is that a wee hope for yourself about this whole situasion?

"End of life as we know it"......i hopeing its the ending of old ways and birthing of new ways and attitudes and types of things that get done in this world that type of ending of old ways.

anyone notised an incresed need to meditate or turn to spiritual or new ways to do stuff latlie or over last mesure of time?

Hows it helping in life if its helping?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: end of days - 03/12/09 10:45 AM

celtic, spending time alone with my God definitely helps me. It keeps me from worrying about life changing as we know it because I have faith that whatever or whenever anything happens, I'm got my God to get me through. It's comforting to know I have a friendship with the big guy upstairs.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: end of days - 03/12/09 10:46 AM

Oh, and we did nothing to prepare for Y2K, though others we know stocked up on bottled water and food, purchased generators, etc.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/12/09 07:10 PM

spending time alone with my God definitely helps...i am glade its that way for you dotsie, even though i am sure this is not new for you or in response to 2012 or some recent life sircumstanses.

i worrie so much about L, i worrie more about him sufferring in life and being without me than i do if i think of him being dead. Being deads just going home, IMO and one thats close to my hart, that i could cope with. The helplessness of an earthlie situasion pulls at all my control issues and maternal drives.

but gess what, over last lot of weeks it been a recurring theme so i gotta give it some attension, more than i have been in a positive way, ie les worrie.
Its about surrenderring again to this situasion, faith in a plann and the plan being perfect if i play or walk the right road in the leading or lead up to whatever situasion. Obviouslie being a mum this is a hard one and i am sure all mums everyweer felt it at one time or another.
he's got ghis road and i have mine, together at the moment but at some time they wil part or fork lol and even if we walk the same road we see and interprite diffrent things and experinses from it, we just sharring a pathway but being totalie diffrent within it. Iv to learn to let him even at his small age walk his path and i am onlie being a guide for him.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: end of days - 03/12/09 07:17 PM

the 2ky thing....i missed the point i think.

at worst i thought/heared it be computer crass but we all manage without them anyway for basic survivale

sometimes its good i miss the point i think lol at lest in that situasion.

my mum had onlie diead by 8 days as we entered the new melenium and at that time i was filled with the spiritual help that sometimes comes after a death of someone important to us. So i was very present to the love and securitie from the devine at that time, so in that state how could i worrie much about anything.

maybee i should be calling forth more of that loving power anyway.

whats funnie is i incressed my vitamins and prayer and meditasion to stopp a fm attake happening, and up side of that is i worrie less about this stuff and find a hundred new questions surfaces and to be worked out
Posted by: celtic_flame

start of days - 03/12/09 07:18 PM

i gonna try and change title from end of days to start of days see if anything more positive happens, if a end occures then something new starts, that kinda thinking, so lets see. smile
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: start of days - 03/14/09 09:38 AM

loner nights be a strange world situasion.

anyway i finalie centering around this again and not be worried about it not even on behalf of L, hop i keep momentum up and stop being a misreabile begger about it. thanks for letting me air that worrie till its outa my system.

so for me its still new days not end of days but start of new days. smile
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: start of days - 03/14/09 09:11 PM

Hopefully it will count in the next life because no one here cares how much we *itch and moan about taxes or anything else.
Posted by: gims

Re: start of days - 03/14/09 09:27 PM

celtic, and others interested in this topic, I am going to search my bookmarks (the list is miles long) to find a video a gentleman pastor put together. I found several questionable points in his presentation, but overall, comparing it to what I've been taught and learned on my own over the years, I find it pretty right on. Soon as I find it, I'll post a link.
God bless and be with believers and non-believers alike.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: start of days - 03/15/09 10:54 AM

anne just waite till ya get to next life and think it into existense. smile

chattie ise't it sad how true you are about no one carring about how much we taxed or the rest.

great i look forwared to you posting a video about this smile