That the Murdoch butler is really Soupy Sales! That Soupy Sales worms his way into every gala event. Is that really the butler? He seems to be carrying a big long candle stick. Is he on his way to do someone in? The boomer chicks jumped the butler, dismantled his stick, and used it to expose the sloppy soupy sales. Then, for old times sake, they borrowed the latest chocolate cream pie from the maids in the kitchen, and whammo, sloppy soupy got a pie in his face, just because he was such a phony baloney. Meanwhile, Princess Lenora wanted it all: kisses with Sir Paul on the plane during the signing of the contract for the Oprah book club. Just as PL finalized the plans with O, and the wedding plans with SP, she saw her boomer sisters holding hands in a big huge circle around Dotsie, the pied piper. "Dotsie," they asked their fearless boomer leader, "What's in store for us now?" And Dotsie, or Dotsie's proxy, said, ...