Sorry to hear that you have joined the ranks of the soon-to-be-divorced, new attitude. As I am currently going through it myself, I can tell you that the single most important thing here is to find as aggressive an attorney as you possibly can. So many women are afraid to do that - the whole women want to be fair but men want to win thing, but it sounds like you have bypassed that stage and are feeling indignant enough about the situation to do what is necessary to make sure you don't get taken advantage of.

An important determining factor in how this will play out, as I understand it, is whether or not you live in a no-fault divorce state. In a no fault state you could fare less well because the judge often does not concern him or herself with the details, and is mainly interested in splitting assets "equitably" : a subjective concept that I have learned can mean trouble.

My suggestion is that you gather as much documentation as possible and put it away in a safe place since your spouse still resides with you. It is also important that you be able to prove that he is able-bodied and has no reason to be unemployed.

I agree with Chatty that these men often do everything they can - lie, cheat, etc. to make you look bad. So, prepare yourself for the worst, and I have a feeling you won't be disappointed. It's been a real eye-opener for me.

The best of luck to you.
