Nope. She has'nt. Yank expat boomer in London, grandmother of three a.k.a Lola, still swimming...backstroke...breastroke...crawl...THEN, she spots through her goggles the gang...Jim Beam, Johnny Walker, Jack Daniels, Remy Martin, Justinini & Brooks (J&B to you guys) and their ladies of course, waving out to her by the coastline: "That a-way, that a-away! Hug the southern coastline. Stay away from the Bermuda Triangle and take a breather in Florida at Vicki's. She awaits you. Seems she still got choc chips cookies left over from Christmas".

Yank expat boomer in London, grandmother of three a.k.a. Lola, waved back to Lynnie who was sat in front of her easel contemplating the next masterpiece. Friends. What would one do without them and thought to herself: I knew those guys back from the old days aboard the Cutty Sark. (Hey writer people: do I need quotation marks for thoughts???)