…step outside. He's pawing a hole in the ground, he's so impatient." Julie London opened the front door and beckoned the Las Vegas Lady to follow her.

"I have to kiss the singing reindeer in order to open the parcel? That's crazy." The Las Vegas lady laid her housecoat over her shoulders and hesitantly followed Julie outside.

There the reindeer proudly stood; his antelopes blinking off and on like neon Vegas lights, while he lisped between pursed flabby lips: "All I want for Christmas is a Kiss from You."

The boomer lady patiently waited till the reindeer finished his song. She then bent over and gave him a big smack.

Julie London quickly placed the parcel on the ground. Right before their eyes, the parcel started to expand and grow in all directions. It spewed out fog and mighty firecracker sounds filled the air.

The single Boomer lady's eyes widened, as she spied through the dense mist a faint outline of a man…..