Well, we just finished what felt like a never-ending marathon in the hospital. Blood tests on Tuesday, consultation with the Bone Marrow Transplant team on Thursday (lots of information overload there!), an 11-hour chemo session yesterday, four more hours of chemo at 7:30 this morning and another 3 hours tonight. My brother was the only patient on that section of the floor, so I was so glad I was there. It was cold and lonely, but we started playing with the bed controls and ended up laughing til it hurt (literally). That last hour seemed to last for 12, but it's over now, he's in his own bed now, and nowhere else to go until Friday. Yippee!

I want to thank all you ladies who have been sending Gary cards!!! He's so touched by your thoughtfulness. Meredith, we were both touched by your poems, and could really identify with so much of what you wrote. And I love your "connection spirituality" - I firmly believe that too.

Dotsie, I'm reading "Never Alone" - it's amazing - for awhile there, it was as if I was reading something I could have written in my journals way-back-when, even the parts about being in the seminary and having to filter everything through his own spiritual experience of Jesus. I took two years of theology at a Catholic seminary, so was able to relate. We had much the same experience growing up, especially in terms of that early childhood spirituality. I'm really enjoying his writing and his journey thus far. Thanks for suggesting his books - I also ordered "Joshua", but felt a rather pushy nudge from Somewhere to read "Never Alone" first - now I understand why!

Hopefully I'll get to spend a little more time here this week. I'm at my brother's til Wednesday or Thursday, then will go back to coming over every other day. So as long as his computer continues to behave, I'll be able to get online more often now.

Smile, thanks for your prayers and thoughts. I consider myself very blessed and empowered by my brother's presence too, so it's a two-way blessing. And there are no words to describe how extraordinarily blessed I feel with all the prayer and care support within this Boomer circle - you are awesome, and let me tell you that there IS power, incredible power, in the prayers of this circle of women!

Edited by Eagle Heart (01/14/07 01:59 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)