Thanks again. Your words bring such encouragement and support. I don't know what's happening, whether it's the post-Christmas slump or maybe fighting off a cold (three of my houseguests came with bad colds last week!), but I'm so tired, heavy with fatigue. It's not the type of exhaustion that sleep cures, it's that bone-deep fatigue that leaves me feeling paradoxically drained of energy yet restless at the same time. Maybe it's anxiety, helplessness, fear...I admit to being scared. But scared to give into the fear. Yet being brave seems to be taking more energy than I've got...until I come here, and find you holding my courage in your hands, hearts and prayers. I don't think I could be making it through this hard road without you. I think that you are God's answers to my prayer for help and stamina, for it's here that I'm finding the help and stamina I need to "stay the course" day by day.

I don't have the energy to come and participate much these days, but know that I am reading posts and carrying my sisters in prayer each and every day.

Perhaps this is a necessary "downtime" in which to recharge my batteries, since I will have to move in with my brother full-time for awhile starting next week. Whatever it is, it's more blessing than you can imagine to know I'm not alone.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)