Quick update, because I'm very tired. Instead of going directly to the Autologous Stem-Cell Transplant procedure, they're changing my brother to two 2-day DHap Chemo blasts, with the first one scheduled for next Thursday and Friday. They're all day chemo treatments, with part one on Thursday morning, part two Thursday evening, then again on Friday morning and Friday evening. They'll do another 2-day treatment in February, take more CAT scans then do the transplant (as an in-patient).

I suppose this must sound like a medical litany, and I hope nobody minds me sharing all this here...I do feel the need to have a safe place to share, but I also know that there's the possibility that others who struggle with cancer, or are companioning someone through, will read these posts and find as much comfort and courage for their own journey as I find here for mine.

Edited by Eagle Heart (01/04/07 03:06 AM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)