I'm on the run again today (chemo day and still a housefull of houseguests!). But I just wanted to explain my comment about "heavy proselytizing". My brother has received many emails/notes from one or two well-meaning people who keep badgering him to "repent or else". He just doesn't need that sort of thing right now. We believe in a loving God and we are refusing to go in any other direction than hope and abundance of life, so that "or else" thing just isn't in our spiritual vocabulary right now. These notes cause him some distress and angst. So I just share that to help everyone understand where I'm coming from in asking for gentle compassion when writing to my brother. He loves God with a quiet, gentle faith, and there's no doubt that much of his strength and courage come from the hope that your prayers and care have given him.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)