I thank you all so much with all my heart for caring as you do! What joy you bring to my life.

Cathi, I loved your PM and will not forgive you for sending it. You warmed my heart with your thoughtfulness.

JJ, I'm glad you're feeling better - I've missed your voice terribly!

Dotsie, "Who knows what the news might have been had we not been praying..." I've thought of that many, many times over the past few weeks - how much of a difference your prayers and care have made, not only in my brother's continuing ability to fight this beast, but in MY ability to stay serene and still enough for him to lean against as he does battle.

Hannelore, he drove himself over (and back home) on the 24th, 25th and today. Even just that is both good and bad - good in that it's good that he's getting himself out and about; bad in that it takes a visible toll on his energy. He's very weak and noticeably pale today. It's frightening. And watching him on Christmas Day broke my heart, and continues to bring tears to my eyes if I pay too close attention to just how weak he is becoming right before our eyes.

I do need strength. And courage. And hope. I'm finding it here, through your prayers and support, and adamantly clinging to God's avowal that He loves us beyond our imagination. Deep breaths. Now I can go back upstairs and sit with him without leaking...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)