Chatty and Lola, I would LOVE my brother to get some cards/notes in the mail. He lives alone and except for a few Christmas cards (three of them from me) he doesn't get much personal mail.

The only thing I would ask anyone who wants to send him a card is to not "evangelize" him. We have an aunt who does that, and it's just not going over well. My brother has a very quiet faith that he's still exploring, and can be easily overwhelmed and turned off by what we call "scriptural head-hammering". He definitely is profoundly grateful for all of your prayers and takes comfort and hope from the prayerful support from so many people he's never even met! He's awed by am I.

I have to ask him before giving out his address. But if anyone wanted to send him a card/note through me in the meantime, I would make sure he gets it. You can either send it snail mail, email or PM and I'll pass everything along to him.

Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness, Chatty! I don't know how I could manage to be "brave" without you and my sisters here to lean against.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)