I wanted to share this story with anyone who is thinking about returning to school in hopes that it might inspire you to go for it because we only live once...... At 37 I graduated from nursing school and fulfilled a dream I use to only think about. Let me tell you my story..... I was working as a manager for a Child Support Enforcement Agency. I was miserable and going nowhere. My marriage was struggling because of the long hours and 6-7 day work weeks I was keeping, not to mention the pressure of the job. My children often wondered if they even had a mom because I was never there. Nursing was a dream I'd had since I was young but never thought I was "smart" enough to complete nursing school because I didn't have enough confidence. After a short vacation with my husband I returned to my job and submitted my two weeks notice. On our trip my husband and I briefly discussed the financial hardship but he advised he would support my decision. I left my job not knowing how to even apply for nursing school or much less how I was going to pay for it, but my passion was strong and I knew I had to succeed. When I told my mother that I quit my job and was going to school, her response was I don't know if your smart enough for that......but my father was proud and supported my decision. Well I was out to prove her wrong and to prove to myself that I could do anything I set my mind to. It was a struggle, but through persistance and research I was able to put myself through school on scholorships after using a student loan my first semester. I started out taking refresher classes because I had been out of school for so long and my confidence was alittle shakey. I also had to take a part-time job while going to school because we had to make ends meet but in the end we learned that money, even though its nice to have is not always everything. It may buy you material things but it can't buy you family, love or togetherness and through these struggles my family grew stronger. After getting my basic coarses out of the way I was finally in nursing school and then my dad passed away suddenly. I wanted to give up but couldn't because I knew he was watching and cheering me on...... Well at the ripe ole age of 37 I graduated and became a registered nurse. My reason for sharing this with everyone is hopefully to inspire you that if you have a dream, never give up because I found that if your desire is great enough you can over come any obstacles. So I leave you with this..... If you have a dream, live it because you never know when tomorrow may be to late!
Nursing Is My Passion!

Healthy Skin Care