My new book 36C was recently released by DiskUs Publishing!
It's the tale of a curvy lingerie shop girl who is searching for the perfect fit in life and love. You can see the first chapter at http://www.theroseandthornezine.com/Fall06/ReadingRoom.html

Here's a short synopsis:
Oh, for a life as full as your figure! Tressa Connell dreams of finding the right fellow, of putting her graphics art degree to work, and of traveling to Venice. Instead, she's stuck in a dead-end job selling lingerie to rail-thin women who prowl the high-end Manhattan boutique where she works. Hounded by a helmet-haired boss, befriended by a troubled Latina makeup artist, and wooed by a Jewish cop, Tressa also dreams that she has a giant grandfather clock strapped to her back, a bushel of eggs in her arms, and her mother cracking a Pampers whip over her head. Tressa navigates the "seamy" underworld of undergarments and struggles with the interfaith divide of her new romance. Can she find a perfect fit?

www.diskuspublishing.com is the publisher's website.

http://www.diskuspublishing.com/barbaraquinn.html has an interview with me!

This is a fun book about body image and I'd love to
hear from any of you who read the book.

Publisher & Managing Editor
Author of 36C and Slings and Arrows (DiskUs)