You'd think as many times as I have said this in the forum that I actually LIKE lawyers [Smile]

but I have to say it again


With the law - even if you dot your i's and cross your t's -- if you didn't do it the way the judge liked it -- OH WELL !! your scum bag (ooops sorry) "husband" could win.

As far as the emotional side goes -- after you find a good lawyer -- stay away from your "about to be" ex -- have no conversation with him that doesnt include your attorney. The only thing that can come out of contact with him outside a court room is heartache FOR YOU !! If he calls - hang up. If he stops by - close the door. He will turn this around and make you the bad guy if you give him the chance.

And that's something you have to get straight in your mind right now -- YOU ARENT THE BAD GUY HERE

You didnt mention if there are children involved?

Chatty Lady is right -- welcome to the forum and we'll help you through it all [Big Grin]