gagirl - perhaps try talking to him about your concerns. I have a friend at work that was married for yours and he has two daughters. He left his wife for a male partner over a year ago. I know that it has been particularly rough for his wife. I cannot begin to imagine.

I can also comment on how rough it was from his perspective. This is a man that did not allow himself to go with his sexual preference due to his upbringing. He is a wonderful man and father, but was miserable in his marriage. I watched him go through terrible times - depression, weight loss, etc. during his struggle while making his decision. I know that his decision to leave his family was not popular with many people, but he had made a mistake by denying his sexual preference.

His divorce is final now, and they share joint custody of their daughters. He spends as much time as possible with his two daughters and they have a healthy relationship with him and his new partner. Life does go on, and it gets better once everyone is honest with each other.