I really enjoy reading the inspirational stories and jokes and definitely enjoy the chuckle that some of these emails bring to my day, but I too struggle with the chain letter aspect of them. I don't have 10 people that I can send things to, either because they themselves have forbidden me to forward chain letter-type emails, or because the sender has already used up the only 10 people who I think would be interested in these things. Once in awhile I'll send the jokes and photos to my brothers, but they're not supposed to receive attachments on their work computers and don't have time to sort through stuff when they're home (and my brother with cancer just doesn't have the energy to sit at the computer anyway).

So I enjoy the emails, the pictures, jokes and inspirational stories (I really enjoyed the recent one about the the tenors), and I share them with my hubby. Then we keep the ones we want to keep and delete the rest after a few days. (My husband actually does print some of them off and share them with his military buddies when they go out for lunch.)

I rarely ever send one along and so far, it hasn't killed me or brought about dire consequences that I know of...on the other hand, sending them to some people WOULD bring about dire consequences!

Edited by Eagle Heart (12/11/06 03:51 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)