Moving away from my son and Mom is not a bad idea, but this is a complicated situation. My Dad depends on me. I know his health would really fail if I moved away. My children, the younger two, would not want to leave their friends and they are starting to see more of their Dad these days. So, we have to be creative. My boyfriend makes quite a bit more than me, but I have been supporting myself and my children for the past 10 years and have a good job here. I think the plan is to visit more often for now. When we do visit he always takes me to resorts and we go out to restaurants etc. This is great but not very realistic. We need to spend time together, but also with each other's children. Get to know each other when we are working too, not just on vacation. Although I do love him, until I spend time with him in a more realistic setting I can't even consider moving. Also, I love where I live which is another problem. I moved away from where he lives 18 years ago for greener pastures. If it is meant to be we will work it out. For now, we need to take some more time.
It's a nice thought Hannelore and I know where you are coming from.