I've been catching up with this post. Three cheers for those of you who have been faithful to it.

Melissa, I wish I had words to share the joy I am sending your way this Christmas. I have faith that God will once again give you the strength you need to make this Christmas a blessing for your eight-year-old daughter and you. Is there a way I can help? Please let me know. I'm in Maryland too.

Eagle, please come running to us with your brother's results when you have a second.

Smile, your post was lovely. I enjoyed your comparison of what Mary and Joseph went through that first Christmas to what we go through every Christmas. It especially touched me because my daughter and I went to see The Nativity Story on Sunday. The guys arrived home from college just in time to watch the Raven's game with Ross, so we hit the movies. I was touched that my daughter suggested seeing that particular movie. When I thanked her while sitting at the theater, she said, "I thought it would be a nice gesture." In other words, it wasn't her first choice, but she knew it was mine. My gracious. They are really growing up.

Anyway, the movie was nothing splashy, but it was an excellent history lesson about what was going on in the world at that time. I was most impressed with the hearts of Mary and Joseph, and their tremendous faith in God. Remember, they were young and influenced just as our children are today. Yet still they chose to listen and follow. Seems that's all we are still called to do today. It's worth seeing.

Here's a pryaer I wanted to share with all of you. While reciting this on Sunday at our worship service, I thought of my sisters in Christ at BWS. The prayer was written by Rev. Lindley DeGarmo.

Gracious God,
we are told that this is supposed to be a joyful time,
but so often we feel joyless.
Absorbed in the needs of the day,
we lose sight of you.
Beaten down by cares and burdens,
we pray partly and worship half-heartedly
and serve grudgingly.
Sin prevails and joy eludes and we drift farther away.

Gather us in Lord. Forgive us. Restore us.
Bring forth a new spirit within us,
that we might discover the joy
for which you created us,
the deep joy made known to us in Jesus Christ.

May God wrap his loving arms around all of us this season and help us spread the joy that comes from knowing him...even when we may not feel it ourselves. Smile!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.