I hear you. And my Spirit rejoices and resonates with joy for that truth. If I could just figure out how to bring that rejoicing and spiritual resonating into the planning and festivities when I'm surrounded by unrealistic (and sometimes aggressively so) expectations (based on past tradition, which you know are hard for some people to let go of) and lack of spiritual tolerance or even respect. I can't ban these people from the celebration (that would make it easier, wouldn't it!) because they're hubby's family. And each year I do "take back" more of that spiritual focus and make it a vital part of our celebration. So we're slowly getting there. I need more backbone against these people, but in ways that build bridges and mend fences rather than create tension and "backdraft", if you know what I mean.

I do believe in living the Christmas spirit all year round and ironically find it easier to do so any other time than these weeks before Dec 25th! We're in the process of melting down all of that commercial expectation and angst and working toward making Christmas the simple, joyful spiritual celebration we want it to be - but it's slow going when you're dealing with step-in-laws and are already exhausted before you even begin.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)