ROTFL, TVC! It's so irritating, isn't it. When I get out of the shower with the leave-in conditioner still left in, my hair looks so promising. But by the time I get downstairs, it looks like an old brillo pad (and not the tidy curly kind). Very dry. I have good quality conditioning shampoos, leave-in conditioners, touch-up de-frizzers, special combs, but alas, for about 3 months of the year, it's simply unmanageable. It would probably be a good time to get it all cut off, but hubby prefers the dry, straw LONG hair to the soft, curly SHORT hair, so I'm willing to weather the dry spell.

We usually go down south for a few weeks every February (won't be going this year because that's when my brother will find out if the chemo has worked and we want to be here with him for the news). As soon as we get down there, my hair becomes luscious and curly.

My hairdresser will know what to do with it - I just have to keep a pretty hat on between now and the 18th!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)