Thanks Jane, KLM and TVC. Today was a much better day. Chemo days are usually quite serene for me. And being at my brother's apartment is often like a wee oasis in the middle of the chaos. It's very peaceful here. The hard times are when I'm running back and forth between here and home, while juggling chores, grocery shopping and cooking between the two. But when I know I'm here for a few days, I just relax into the quiet (brother naps most of the day) and catch up with my prayertimes, being here and napping myself.

I feel better today. Much more capable of carrying on through both the cancer trek and the Christmas preparations. I'm not going to be "on schedule" for the Christmas decorating or cards or anything, but hubby's been helping me get all the Christmas shopping and menu planning done, so that's a relief. The only shopping I have left to do is for my brother. He wants to go the shopping centre one day next week, where he'll get a wheelchair (big step for him!) and let me wheel him around to all the stores he knows he wants to browse and shop in. I'm so thrilled that he wants to do his own Christmas shopping! That takes another bit of the burden off my shoulders.

I'm so grateful for this place (BWS) to come "home" to. There is an immeasurable, priceless peace that comes from knowing you are all here, and that we can come together throughout the patches of our days and connect, chat, vent, heal, listen, laugh, weep and send each other on our way with prayer, care and loving support to lean against. You women mean the world to me, and I thank you so very much for being here and sharing your hearts and wisdom within these hallowed cyber-halls!

PS My hair actually co-operated today...until I had to stand out in the freezing rain to watch for hubby's car. Talk about a deep-frizzzz! LOL.

Edited by Eagle Heart (11/30/06 07:46 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)