Holidays are tricky for me...they're the time when I miss being a part of a traditional family the most. I thought I'd share the tips from this month's Bertha-Zine with you. Some of them may seem a bit glib but there are some useful tips in Bertha's 'splaining!

The trickiest one for me has been to be flexible about when we celebrate because that often leaves me over and done with everything by Christmas Day!

Here goes....

Holidays got you down? Join the club. There seems to be so many places to go and so many things to, eating, eating, eating...did I mention eating? Then there's shopping and decorating and visiting with friends and family...all on top of your normal responsibilities. It's like taking on another full-time job!

In fact I mentioned to Bertha...I don't know why I keep doing'd think I'd learn to keep my mouth shut...but I haven't, so I mentioned to Bertha that this year I'd be happy just to survive the holidays! I mean I've got the new radio show and my coaching practice is journal is due out any re-writes on Putting Your Best Foot Forward are over-due...I'm going out of town for 10 days and then I'll have family coming here...I'm getting tired just thinking about it!

My whining was enough to make Bertha take to her soapbox...which she gladly does at the drop of a Santa hat dispense her words of holiday wisdom.

She's up there now dressed in red velvet capris with a matching fitted, low-cut jacket trimmed in white faux fur, red jingle-belled stilettos and of course a Santa hat. By all appearances she's ranting and raving although she says she's just 'splaining...'splaining that it's not about surviving, that's for hurricanes and wars and when they run out of size 7s at the 2-for-1 sale at High-Heels R US. Holidays are more about being kind and finding ways to love yourself and your fellow man...

She's on quite a roll so I think I'll just share the highlights with you here...

Bertha's Holiday Loving Tips

Get a festive manicure and pedicure. Bertha's favorite is Deck the guessed with red dots! Manicures and pedicures are always the first on Bertha's list but you can choose anything that strikes your fancy...even a Saturday afternoon nap in the midst of all the hurry and flurry counts! The main thing is to take care of yourself during the holidays.

Set an intention to have the best time matter who gets to be there or what you're doing. Bertha says it's harder to get the whole family together these days than getting the cat to...than getting the cat to...than getting the cat to do much of anything! She recommends learning to be flexible and creative...a Saturday afternoon skating party...get together for a day after party where you play Dirty Santa with the gifts that you'd otherwise be exchanging...have a Partridge in a Pear Tree Party on the first day of Christmas...start a fun new tradition...

Don't go for broke...leave home without it for a change. Bertha says the best gifts really are from the heart and don't involve taking out a second mortgage as many of the commercials lead you to believe. Personally, Bertha thinks having Santa hock the title to the sleigh to buy presents is wrong...and for once, I agree with her! Some ideas include: shopping for or driving an elderly family member or neighbor, baby sitting for new parents or caregivers, visiting shut-ins, invite your favorite child for a day of cookie baking or football tossing, and for that special creative...ohhhh, la, la naughty can be nice!

Become forgetful. Huh? That's right. Forget about June Cleaver! Think about Jane Carroll instead. What does she really want? Go for the essence of your desires. Fast food served on Christmas china can be a lot of fun and you won't be so stressed from cooking.

Decorate for yourself. If you love it...go for it...if you're like me...a wreath and a poinsettia do just fine...besides who has room for a tree with Bertha's soapbox in the middle of the living room...hmmmmm...maybe I could find time to put up a tree?!

And last but not least...Bertha says to be grateful. It's next to impossible to feel stressed or sad and grateful at the same time. The only problem's hard to jump straight from stressed to grateful...thankfully, Bertha has a solution for that...take a small notepad and jot down as many things as you can that you are grateful for (do it on a day when you feel great!) then tuck it away in your time you feel sad or lonely...pull it out and have a'll feel better in no time!

Bertha's climbing off the soapbox now but she asked me to remind you that she would love to join your family and friends for the holidays. So order lots of books because everyone is going to want a copy!

Happy Holidays!
Jane Carroll