Please forgive me if I've spelled this wrong. I am mashugna!

I would like my Jewish sisters to tell me all about their beautiful hoilday.

Did it ever offend you or make you feel bad in school to be surrounded with the Christmas hoilday?

My Jewish friends never complained. My male friend Steve said he believed in Jesus but only that He was a holy man and not the way I believe in Him. I was okay with that. My religion taught me that mine was the "only one true religion." I think I was ahead of my time because I never bought that even as a child. I believed and still do that God is God for everyone and each religion can be the true religion for that person. My religion as a Roman Catholic is not better than anyone elses. Catholism sprung from Judaism. This is a fact I learned in Advanced Theology in a Catholic high school.

My daughter came home from PSR classes and said the lady there told her Jewish people don't believe in God. I was outraged and wanted to call the school to make sure this woman never uttered those false words again. Since I didn't hear her say those words myself I didn't call but I did tell my daughter the lady was so very wrong. My daughter said, "but mom, only our religion is the true one." Again, I told her no, this isn't true. God is God for everyone. Each religion calls Him a different name but He is still God to us all.

Again forgive my incorrect spelling from your shicksa sister, Lakheim!