This happened this past November.

YES! He's causing so much havoc and forcing me to recall so much pain. I'm over revisiting the painful memories of that period, although, the scars will always be there. I already had a trust problem w/men from childhood then he came along. Now, his son, our son.

Last evening his son was behaving in such a manner that I regretted his birth. His genes were acting up again, I guess. I have this 36x24 picture that had been enlarged for the memorial service since my ex was cremated. Last night I was so frustrated that I took the pic and placed it in the closet. That disgusting discussion is listed in the 'Children' forum here, College Child Goes back 2 College.

I was divorced from him for several years but still allowed his presence for the children's sake. He apologized profusely for his actions during our marriage about 2wks prior to his death. I guess he knew that he was going to die. He did need brain stem surgery but refused it according to the hospital records.

Why do they (college kids) get so much time out again? He's been here since December 14th and don't return till Jan 20th. I guess I'd like it if he were a bit more pleasant. He sees so much fault in me, but none in his father that really never did much finacially or during their rearing, unless he wanted to. That hurts more than anything that my son can confuse who the villain is, since there has to be one.

I KNOW that I was a mother to him. I was not the ABSCENT parent and did whatever it took to provide, protect and love my children. Maybe he's just still in shock/mourning for his father and needs to see him as perfect thereby needing to transfer his father's inadequecies unto me? LOL. That sounds like a bunch of crap and I said it! [Embarrassed] [Eek!]