Diane, my children don't recv the 1000 because they are too old. The other woman's children are under 18. My daughter is 18 but still in high school til May so she'll recv a third of that 1000 til she graduates.

I was thinking that since they'll be recieving that amount per month, my children should split the insurance. I'm sure they wont be sending parts of their money.

Unique, that sounds like a great idea. I'll suggest it to him. He talked about purchasing property and then dividing that up once it starts pulling in revenue. That must be his business major idea??

Dots, what his father wanted was to forget that he'd ever been with another woman, let alone have children by her. I had to tell him that it was not the other woman's children's fault that they'd been born. That didn't stop his ignorance to the children prior to his death though.

Maybe it's just me, still bitter. It just seems like it's so unfair that they'll be getting benefits that should solely be my children's since he was my husband. Now there stands this issue that they may be getting double. Monthly income plus. Or, maybe I'm just thinking about the fact that this money will increase the other woman's income and not mine. I really don't know what it is. It just doesn't seem fair. My children are in high school, at senior at that, and a soph in college and I'm the one taking care of their needs, alone.

SS no longer extendes these monies to children over 18 that have graduated HS. He was my husband during his military years, my children's father, abscent because he was off serving, me without a husband while he was on duty. Now the money will go to another woman??? It just doesn't sit well with me. [Mad]