make home made soup for someone thats got the cold.....or semmingly misrable but slight bug. Ofer to do shopping when you go anyway (helps them feel they not puting you out) offerring to help with houswork during that time...

Even when girlfrends are fit and well but their a big task they doing like washing and rehanging curtains offer help that way. Po is reallie good at that stuff and much better than I.....I was reallie shocked the first time she offered to help with my housework when we first meet but it's a countrie thing they do heer...and it helps and passes the day with the other woman and tsaks and many enjoy it lol.

I good at phone calls to officals for other people...and i do so regulare enough...i meet outside work with addicts at lest 2 or 3 times a week and be an uniffical souding board, help with's my area of specialitie and everyone needs help chatting bout life anyway.

other mums or younger people with kids offer to sit for them for appontments dentist doc etc...or just to give them an hour off....even go to play park with them so mum gets brake and companie kids someone else to play with...With young mums or frends with young kids i rather offer to go do a task with them instead of just having coffee as they so much to do and they so buisie you get to feel your participating with them instead of holding them back from doing something reallie busie.

I think i get involved with volentrie work or other people becouse i so far rom familie, all i do for them is talk on phone, so i got some tyime to do other things for non familie.
is this too long yet ???
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn