That's very true. Women stuck in marriages they had no way of getting out of because of society or because of money or that was just the way it was, wanted more for their daughters.

I know personally, I stressed a good education with my daughter because I didn't want her to have to "depend" on anyone. It's my "don't let the door hit you in the rear on the way out," theory of independence. Meaning that if she had a husband who wanted out of the marriage, she would be making enough money to support herself and any children if she had to and could kick his can to the curb. [Razz]

She is an RN with a degree and married. No kids yet. Granted, they need both incomes, as most do, to have the house, the car, the pool, the vacations, etc. But, if some disaster happens, she could stay afloat. She's a wonderful daughter. I'm very fortunate. And, she listens to her dear old mom. [Wink]