Well... I'd like to think so... or I did....

I tried to raise my own son with thos things in mind... but then, it was way more important to him to have someoneelse to do his dirty work for him. Meaning the dishes, the cooking, or anything else he didn't care to set his hand to. It was way more important to him to be babied than for him to act like a decent human being.

Now that Raul has fallen out of love with me, he also wants to have his cake and eat it too. He can't explain why he wants me to remain in the house with him, but he does, and very strongly. He was trying to pressure me to try to find someone else, on the internet and such.... what a laugh, meeting someone romantically off the internet scares the crap out of me. He wants me to start over, to find someone "for myself," I guess so that I won't want to bitch slap him as much as I quite obviously want to do, or burst into tears when the wrong song comes on the radio... but yet he wants me to stay under the same crowded roof. I don't get it. It grieves him greatly that I want to find some way to become self-sufficient and then move out on my own.

I dunno. He was never much in control before, and he's not in control of either relationship now. Now it's *my* turn to be bewildered.

Pissed off and semi-awake in Miami Beach,