Watch those chemicals
Cats and dogs like the sweet taste of anti-freeze, so clean up spills prompthy as they are 'always' poisoness and usually deadly to our pets.

Honk to be Sure
When its cold out, cats love to snuggle up under the engine of a car. Those can be deadly spots when the engine starts so before turning on the ignition, look under the car, tap on the hood, and honk the horn to wake sleeping kittys.

Watch tails and ears.
Despite fur our pets can develop frostbite and tissue damage from being exposed to cold. The skin turns bright red, then pale, then black before falling off. Ears, footpads and tail tips are especially vulnerable.

NO salt please
Thoroughly wipe the pets pads and belly with warm water when they come inside, just in case they picked up any road salt, antifreeze or other chemicals while outdoors that they might try to lick off.

Protect those Seniors.
If your pet is older or has heart of lung condition or arthritis, you may need to skip the long walks. Cold air in their lungs can be damaging and dangerous. Cold air is harder on older pets.

Shelters are Imperative
Some dogs and cats can remain outdoors on those cold winter days if they have adequate shelter. Selters should be raised off the ground so air circulates and doesn't get damp. Openings need to be protected from the winds. NO animal can withstand freezing weather and should be brought inside when temperatures drop below freezing and there is a wind chill factor.

Pets have Limits.
Unless acclimated to cold weather cats should remain indoors. When dogs gotta go, they gotta go outside but keep them as warm as possible, sweaters or jackets help immensely, They even sell doggie boots. If they start doing a little dance, and lifting their paws get them inside fast. You might want to look into some winter wear for your pet....

Edited by chatty lady (10/24/06 10:17 PM)
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