It’s time to say good-bye, ladies, but I hope to stay in touch. Thank you, Dotsie, for this great opportunity…and thank you for following your dream to make this web site a place where women from all walks of life from all over the world can meet. The Forum groups are as varied as the women who visit them, and I’m looking forward to popping into some of the other chat room Forums from time to time. Can anyone share some of their favorite Forums with me?

But before I sign off, Saundra asked about my web site and I neglected to respond to that post (please forgive me.) It’s funny you should ask that because I’ve been spending a lot of time the past couple months strategically assessing my current web site and working with a designer to launch another web site in January. In fact, I’ll be launching TWO new web sites in January.

My initial web site came into being as a gift from God. Truly. When I was first inspired to turn my personal memoir story into a collection of true short stories I knew I would have to communicate with a lot of people in order to get enough stories to develop an anthology series. It was the year 2000 and while the World Wide Web was certainly in existence, a personal web site wasn’t something that every author had. Designing web sites at that time wasn’t as easy as it is today, with so many template programs and user-friendly software.

After getting a few bids it was soon clear to me that I could never afford the kind of web site I would need, and I prayed hard for wisdom to know what to do. Within a few weeks (literally) an amazing woman contacted me and volunteered to design my first web site. Since then, I have had only four web designers developing my site into the form it is today. Many volunteered their time and talent. I’ve also paid consultants to revise, update and refresh the site. Every January I try to go fresh with a new look or a subtle change to the site.

Like it or not, ladies, the world of the internet is here to stay and it’s a method of communication we need to embrace…if not fully understand. I suggest taking classes, workshops and seminars on the basic rudimentaries of Internet technology and web site design, marketing, search engine optimization and the like. These will be subjects we’ll discuss in some of the Teleseminars I’ll be conducting in 2007 with Randy, so remember to stay in touch with me so you don’t miss these valuable writer teachings. I see where Dotsie mentioned that she signed up for Randy’s e-zine. This fellow is a wizard at writing fiction and at teaching others how to write fiction. He has the number one e-zine (no kidding) for teaching fiction writing for beginners to advanced writers. Plus, he has a course called Tiger Marketing to teach writers how to market their books before, during, and after publication. Here’s his web site:

Hope you don’t mind the commercial, Dotsie.

I pray I have not put a damper on anyone’s dream to write or publish by sharing this past month how much work goes into this business of writing. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but it’s also rewarding and fun and energizing, and I couldn’t imagine myself doing anything else. Writing is all I’ve ever wanted to do and I thank God daily that He has opened the doors that have allowed me to succeed.

My agent is currently pitching a new fiction series I’d love to write, featuring some dynamic baby boomer women…and if a publisher picks it up you can bet your booties I’ll pop in and let y’all know!

Zig Ziglar says, “We can get what we want if we help enough other people get what they want.” I’ve always loved that concept. It’s the modern form of “doing unto others,” and “what goes around, comes around.” My prayer for each of you is that while you strive to achieve the dreams of your heart, that you help others along the way to do the same.

Have a blessed Christmas season and let’s stay in touch!

God’s Peace,
Allison Bottke
Allison Bottke, Author/Speaker
Standing in Faith
Kneeling in Prayer