Hi Allison,
It is me Nancy (the shy one)
I want to know where you were involved in plays in southern California?, as I too, was VERY involved in the community theaters in the area and it would be fun to hear where you were at?

I would also like to know that when you got the idea in your head for your first book, how did you start?

Did you think about it's content first?
Did you think of an beginning and and end?
Or did you pick up a pen and just start writing?
Or did you go right to the computer and bypass the pen and paper?

I have also written for college Magazine, Newspaper, I wrote and directed a play (personal life experiences) and music videos for Domestic Violence and also did one for a hostage situation for a school district there to use for a training video for the police, fire department and SWAT team operations.
It was all to earn money for charity but I did get paid for a couple of them.

I guess sometimes I procrastinate when it is for my own personal growth as I am a new empty nester (hehe).

I could always do things when I needed to do it for my kids.

I raised two sons alone and am a SURVIVOR of a horrible domestic violence situation so I guess I don't have much faith in myself to just start writing!

Thanks for all of your wonderful sharing. This is such a gift to have a chance to hear all of your wisdom.
