Hannelore, you could always get the Oprah book club info from the web site. What makes me buy a book? word-of-mouth. I have a limited reading menu right now. I mostly read memoirs and self-help on such entertaining topics as sexual assault, domestic violence, and suicide. I want to know HOW people overcome adversity. Covers don't mean much to me. "A Million Little Pieces" had a cover that pictured the insides of capsules of meds coming out all over the place. While I enjoyed the colorful imagry, the cover had nothing to do with picking up the book. I do read reviews in Time, etc. and nowadays I read the readers' reviews on Amazon before choosing a book to buy. But I don't always buy. "Why I Jumped" is on my waiting list at the library. If I bought every book...I do like it when someone gets me out of my comfort zone of reading and sends me a novel that is not psych or soc related. I was in a Christian mega book store this week. There were a lot of cross over titles.