Allison, i would love to hear more about your God ALlows U-Turns books.

What gave you the idea to begin this series? When did you publish the first book? Do you gather all the stories and edit them? Are you collecting stories for another book?

FYI: I tried to learn some of this on your site, but the links that would tell me more about this project didn't work. If you want to know which links I'm talking about, email me and I'll be happy to cut and paste cut and paste for you.

By the way, I think the idea for this project is brilliant. I am a firm believer in our stories healing others. You go girl! You are doing your share to make disciples of all men. God is using you in a powerful way. You are so wise to listen. Just think of all the hearts you have turned toward Christ.

Edited by Dotsie (11/17/06 11:23 AM)
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.