Good question and I don't mind answering it at all. WE are not in charge of book signings and I'm just the type that likes to be in charge of everything I do. (like that was transparent! hahaha .. ahem)...They are a hit and a miss. It depends on how much time I have to advertise, talk it up, put out flyers, call TV and radio stations, etc..etc. Some book stores do this leg work FOR ME, while others say they will, then you find out they not ony DID NOT, but they didn't even order ANY of your books.

I've NEVER gone to a book signing without books in my car. Just for that one reason right there. And if possible, I tell them up front not to worry with ordering them because I'd be happy to supply the books. I count um, I control um. I have been to signings where I've sold as little as 10 books. Then I've had others where I sold as many as 65. By all rights, the place where I sold 10 should have been the biggest seller. It so unpredictable.

You wouldn't think weather would play a part, but it does. Rainy outside? People don't stop off at the bookstores. Snowing? Worse. College Football season? Could be your big selling time because wives escape to town while the games are on. Then again, in some towns, EVERY freakin' body goes to the football games.

So the variables are there and they don't apply to everybody or every town. If I say rainy weather keep people away, someone else would say, "But I sold 100 books during a storm." I said, it's a hit and a miss.

When I speak, I sell to nearly everyone in the crowd. And it's not because I'm a great speaker, but because I threaten to keep talking unless they buy...what?

My biggest complaint at book signings is the author usually goes to a lot of trouble to make it work for them (and usually happily so!), to sell books. You get excited, you have everything perfect or as good as you can, and then some times it works ... and some times it doesn't.

But it has been my experience that the place to sell lots of books is NOT at a book signing. It's through newsletters, networking, contests, and word of mouth.

Have I beat that dead horse enough? hahahaha..ahem...cough...ahem...JJ