Lionspaaw, my dear, concerning the date of your court hearing... you would be *amazed* at how many people find themselves in the same situation. My parents' divorce was heard on their anniversary date, and many of my mother's divorced friends reported the same thing. I thought that I would be spared such a thing (in the case of my first marriage, but then I discovered that the final judgement of divorce was rubber-stamped on the date we got engaged!

Try not to read too much into it. My feeling is that life / reality is circular, sort of like the way they say space itself is curved. Everything eventually comes full circle, and perhaps we should not be surprised that something ends on the day it began, only years later. I dunno, one of those cosmic mysteries. This sort of thing happens to me frequently. Think of it as a blessing, a way that the Divine gives us closure maybe.

Hugs & Blessings,
Lil [Eek!]