Kathryn --

my thoughts on this is that

everything goes full circle --

we start out -- we go round -- we end --

life --- relationships --- EVERYTHING in life goes full circle --

you have fought with this situation from the beginning -- how could this happen -- why had this happen -- how can i stop it from happening --

perhaps this is a sign that this was SUPPOSED to happen -- HAD to happen --

by going full circle -- August 5th to August 5th -- as a woman who believes -- i have to believe that God is telling you that everything will be okay -- for you -- for your children -- for your best friend --

sometimes by walking away -- you find the circle that takes you right back -- and if this is true in this case -- the time will come when everything will work out -- but even be better -- and if this ISN'T the case -- please believe me when I tell you --

something is right around the corner that will make it all worthwhile

don't get caught up in the "facts of this earth" -- remember God's will be done

and remember that we are here for you [Smile]

i am beginning to think that August is a time God's chosen to test us all [Embarrassed]