Meredith and Pam, your posts made me smile. Thanks for gracing us with your presence when you had a sec.

Meredith, I can totally relate to the limp. I've been quite gimpy myself lately...and it's no fun. A couple years ago, I went through a stretch of computer issues. Instead of getting a new Dell, I trusted a local computer geek to rebuild my computer and I've only talked to him once since. Do you have any local geeks you trust? Also, how's hubby and how's the jewelry business. ANy favorite Christmas items this year?

Pam, great to hear from you. Good for you for taking care of yourself by laying low and chillin'. It's probably just what you need right now. We're covering you in prayer and can't wait to have you back with us when this is behind you. Praying you well and wishing you a joyful holiday season. How's your sister?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.