Man, oh man... the pressure on me to date has already started, and we have not even filed a single divorce paper! The last thing I need is a good old fizzled out rebound relationship. THAT's bound to make me feel like a total loser.

GAWD I hate the pressure! I am FAR from ready, so I have told everyone to PLEASE BACK OFF. Still, every time I even talk to an eligible single, everyone nudges everyone else and gets stupid grins on their faces. It's worse than when I was a teenager and not into dating at all. The least little stroke of makeup I put on my face would send my relatives into paroxysms of ecstasy! The few times I would dare to put on a dress, they all got sooooo incredibly obnoxious, I would just take off the darned dress, and put on jeans and a blouse. As if the boys weren't bad enough, my relatives made me feel like a total piece of meat.

To this day, I dislike primping and dressing up. Once in a while, it's OK, but I really resent the notion that I have to look devastatingly gorgeous 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. God forbid some guy might not find me incredibly edible.

Oh, well. I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't be posting here. I know that dating again can be very discouraging, and if I have discouraged anyone above and beyond, I apologize. Please, if you're really ready, go forth and have fun. If you're not ready, don't let anyone push you around.

Lil [Roll Eyes]