Dee.. I can just picture you running with your arms outstretched, hollering at the top of your lungs. What a sight you must have been. If I were your neighbor, I'd be looking out the window laughing my butt off. Then, I'd carefully lock the door and close the blinds. Don't want any crazy ladies coming around. What a hoot! I go out in my jammies/nighty every day in the morning to take Jack out to do his business. My backyard is surrounded by a high wooden fence, but I bet people can still see me if they tried.

When Jack was a puppy, he had a habit of racing out the front door whenever it was opened. Thank goodness, I was dressed each time he did it, but I would have raced right out after him even if I didn't have clothes on. Neighbors be damned. My dog comes before modesty. Thank goodness he doesn't try to get out the front door anymore. We were able to train him to stop doing that.
"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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