Believe it or not Jane, the condo community we are interested in do not do contingency plans. You have to have a contract first. The good part is, there is always something available there. We are constantly checking that out. So I don't know if that would be the same thing. We didn't want to be stuck with two mortgages.

The fastest I ever sold one was in 3 days when I decided to move back to my home town following a divorce. Oh, and I got more than the asking price and there were other houses in my neighbor hood that had been on the market for months.

Was that during the Real Estate Boom? During that time, houses in our area were selling within a weeks time. For the asking price! I just think we are a day late and a dollar short.

As for the people that wanted to come and see it again, they had to work late last night and reschuled for tonight. Oh and I was so looking forward to the apple pie, LOL.

I'll definitely let you all know what happens!
