That reminds me of cutting a potatoe in half and rubbing it on a wart on my son's hand and burying the potatoe during a full moon. Of course, it didn't work.

When our house was on the market in TN, I had a site I could go to and read the feedback from the realtors who showed it. I thought it was great but my hub said it would be until someone said something negative and I'd go bullistic. I would ask what the realtors had to say that have shown it to get an idea.

The market has slowed but the interest rates haven't really gone up and people are still buying. You just haven't found the right one...unless this couple that is returning is the right one.

I feel for you. It was just awful when we put our house on the market. I busted my buns keeping it clean and then, my realtor tells me that she wants to have an open house and I should have home baked cookies and bottled water for the people who came. To my mind, she was making the commission so I told her to bake the cookies herself! Give me a break! I was exhausted. I decided no open houses until I had moved. We left our furniture in the house because they always look better furnished, and after I moved to MN, told her she could have an open house as often as she wanted. Really, it's usually just a way for realtor to find a new client or the neighbors to nose through your house.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes