Naranon a great place i would set stock by it and if some of the members live near you some of them don't mind being physically their for you as you say you are alone. A long many a year ago i got droped off after a meeting and had a bad feeling. So the other member walked me to the door the house was trashed and the offending article was semi concise and hallucinatting in bed. I was glade of the company especilly since i mentally froze they help get us to a safe place till that storm blow over. I learned a lot and that was the finale days before i got my life to perminantly changed. Mindyou each group is diffrent and even if they can't physically keep you company if your son comes round your house metaphorically you wont be alone....its such a god send that groups like this are avalible just for the support the sharring the tears and laughing it all helps kate. I will keep you in my prayers pet. All that you are facing is managible, it works if you work it

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn