Thanks again everyone. I am going to stay strong. My son has sociopathic tendencies. He makes an effort to go to treatment just to get people off his back but really doesn't want to go. He goes for a week then figures he can scam another 3 weeks or a month at my home saying he is waiting to go to a new treatment centre. My eyes have been open to this one. He just sets it up, waits at my house for weeks to go while he continues to use drugs, then gets kicked out and is back at my place. It's a game. This way he can continue to live his lifestyle and look like he's trying to change. He doesn't want to change at this point, that is clear. He does not want to work, go to school or do anything but get high as that is the easy route. He wants me to leave him alone and let him stay at my house so he can live his drug addict lifestyle. Until he wants to change his life I cannot make him no matter what I do, I realize that now. I will go to Alanon Meetings, or NA, not sure which one but it's for families of Drug addicts. I need to do this to understand where he is at. He is at a very selfish place, I do know that. He only cares about his drugs and uses people. I also know that he does not love himself that is why he is incapable of loving anyone else. Hannelore, your quote was a good one, thanks. Dotsie, you are right, at the moment he is not my son, my son is lost.
Thanks to the others too. I will continue to post and I hope it will help others in my situation.