kate, STAY STRONG. Cry all you want. It's heartbreaking and deserves tears. What you have to remember is that this really isn't your son. He's so messed up. You haven't seen that little boy within him in years due to the illness. The absolute best thing you can do for him is call the police jsut as you mentioned.

He needs to be off the streets. He will be safe in jail and perhaps this time around he'll learn that there's an awesome young man beneath the disease. One whom you taught right from wrong, one who knows how to love but has forgotten, one who will have confidnece to carry on once he is clean. He must get clean so if he won't stay at a rehab, the next best place is jail. Don't you think?

Sending precious prayers your way, and his way too. Also for your other children.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.