Thank God for the the way, whatever happened to that young woman who was a hostage a few weeks ago? I didn't hear a thing about her and I was praying for her and her family...

I've never been here before. I remember things from when I was 1 1/2 yrs. old. My parents are amazed. I did strange things when I was very young and have been labeled a strange (but wonderful) child by nearly everyone who ever met me. Its been a lonely life.

I believe God created all of us, that the people of the world were all destroyed at the flood (and there is scientific proof of that....) that when Noah and his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth were dispursed throughout the planet to different parts of the world their bodies had to adapt so I believe in adaptation rather than evolution.

Also, I believe this life is but boot camp for eternity. I am an eternal being just like my Lord. I will live on forever in eternity with God and all the saints who have gone before me. In this life we aren't promised bliss and freedom from strife and pain, but we ARE promised the help, comfort and aid of the very creator of our bodies and souls, the owner of my soul and body also assists and guides me. For that, even in the midst of heartache, pain, anger and confusion, joy breaks through just like the sun right after the rain because I look on the face of Christ and I know his love for me. I feel his presence and am empowered with his wisdom and strength when I'm weakest and at the lowest point because its only through my weakness that the strength of God can be seen.

I am so happy to be in the midst of such talented and wonderful women who think and feel. I see all of us as works in process and pray for our journey.