Last night I chose to turn off the TV because I didn't care to see another shot of those sweet children with their horses in front of the Amish school. That is only about an hour and 15 minutes from here. For some odd reason, this school shooting really got to me. I guess it's because those children are raised in such an innocent environment that it sickens me to think of what they had to endure at the hands of a mad man.

Anyway, around 3:00 AM I heard a funny noise. It sounded like a neighbor closing their car door, but it continued. Kelly barked and my husband and I (in a half-sleep state) wondered what the noise was. It stopped and we chose to do nothing about it.

Five minutes later, we hear the police radios out front. Sure enough someone had tried to break into my elderly neighbor's home.

The poor woman heard the noise and came downstairs only to find a man's hand through the broken glass in her door with another man standing next to him. Can you believe it? She told them to "get out of here" then phoned 911.

Next time I hear even a peep in the middle of the night, I am calling the police. I feel badly. I wish I could have protected her in some way.

They found one man dressed in a trash bag and drunk. The other man still hasn't been found.

It gives me the creeps.

Dear God, what is this world coming to?

So today, instead of being upstairs with my foot propped up, I'm back downstairs and am going to have company so I don't get creeped out.

All I can think about is those poor families in Pennsylvania who have lived through tremendous trauma and will be creeped out about this forever. God bless each and every one of them.

Please pray for my neighbor...and be safe!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.