Kathy, you are a riot. Great reply.

popea, please know you aren't alone. I bet everyone in here has stories to tell. Here's what's helping me. I take a low dose of the birth control pill and I can honestly say it decreased irritability and controlled my periods (which hardly exist now). Prior to going on the pill, I was feeling edgy non-stop.

I also recommend exercise. Try walking for about a half hour each day. I, like Kathy, also walk out the door and take in some fresh air if I begin to feel the angry words spilling out. I've always loved the outdoors and feel like it's my friend who welcomes and understands me. Being in the fresh air rejuvinates me and clears my mind.

How about prayer? I begin each day with a quiet time, journal, Bible, study, prayer list, etc. This habit awakens me to what irritates me and why. I can get at the root of my issues and deal with them, really understand what gets me ticked. It's so helpful. I also reflect on all the blessings that occur daily (and there are tons). Having an attitude of gratitude is what helps me the most. It changes my whole perspective, but you have to remember, I am also getting the benefit of the birth control pill which has estrogen in it. Hope this helps.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.