I just now caught up with last week's episode. I still have this past Thursday's episode to watch. I got behind a bit. I was so sad when George's dad died.

Apparently, I. Washington is in counseling now to understand why he would use the slurs. I hope that he comes out of it in a positive way and they don't fire him from the show. He is a great character and holds up his end of the plot.

I knew Izzy was going to start using her money to help patients. That girl she helped with the spine problems, was so heartwarming. And how she stood up to Bailey and said she'll still get emotionally involved, but she can be a surgeon too. Did Bailey actually hold back tears during that shot? It looked and sounded like she did.

Okay, I'll find a way to watch Thursday's show ... maybe on Monday and then will be all caught up.

JJ. The first and second seasons are out on DVD if you can get them, that would be a good way to get caught up on the dynamics of the show and complexities of the character developments. It's definitely a show that you should watch from the beginning to see the character growth.

I'm so glad I made the choice to watch the pilot when it came out. I've been hooked ever since.
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Claude M. Bristol
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