Hi Chatty,
Katie is going for a reconsideration by a new judge on Sept 28th. On October 1st she will have completed the Second Chance program and with flying colors. She may be coming home in a week or so! I can't believe it but even if things don't turn out that way, she will be home fairly soon.
Dublin, her six yr. old son is living here now also along with his father. I have a one bedroom tiny tiny apartment and right now there are four people living in it. I have been sleeping at night at my ex husband's huge home because there's not room for me in my own apartment.
Dublin and Aaliyah are thrilled to be back together.

My husband and I are still married. The judge awarded me the money I hoped I might get. My husband and I have been separated for almost a year now. I was reading something interesting on one of those psychic websites about breaking up with someone. It said that when a couple are together, they put out a chemical and the other person becomes addicted to the other's chemical. Could that be true??? He hasn't changed at all and is feeling soooo self righteous now that my grandson has moved in with me also. He says I will never be free to spend all my time and energy on him.
I think he is just about the most boring person I've ever known. I have the divorce papers and have to fill them out and sign them. I don't know what I'm waiting for. I really don't.
Aarikja Ann